Sense of time
through the mirror of visual art, jewellery and clocks.

We all have our personal sense of time. We also have the horizon of the family, of culture, but there is also geological time, cosmic
What is the Time ?

How we experience and define time ?

Elina Honkanen
Was it, Past is present series 2019
made of precious metal leaves and polycarbonate. Playing with vintage mirror shapes and the thought of preserving memories between pages of an album that is yourself.

Time is relative
“When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.”
― Albert Einstein
Once Upon a Time...

Her, 2019
brooch from Past is present series
Elina Honkanen

Helena Lehtinen

Atelier Eklöf

Since ancient times, people have honoured the summer solstice - the longest day and shortest night of the year - with ritual fires and flowers as a sign of rebirth and new life.
In the Norse mythology, Freya is the goddess of love and fertility

Inni Pärnänen
day and night bracelet

They sat looking out across the bay. A few stars glimmered palely in the light sky. Gentle waves lapped over the stones under the dock.
Her father broke the silence.
“It’s a strange thought that we live on a tiny little planet in the universe.”
“Yes ...”
The distance to the star in the Milky Way that is our nearest neighbor is four light-years. Maybe that’s it just above the island over there. If you could imagine that at this very moment a stargazer is sitting up there with a powerful telescope pointing at Bjerkely—he would see Bjerkely as it looked four years ago. He might see an eleven-year-old girl swinging her legs.....
The only way we can look out into space, then, is to look back in time. We can never know what the universe is like now. We only know what it was like then. When we look up at a star that is thousands of light-years away, we are really traveling thousands of years back in the history of space.”

Vesa Nilsson
Stellar V, 2019

Golden Snäckviken (Shell Bay) jewellery with Akoya pearls
by Annika Eklöf

Veera Kulju
"With the movement, the work comes to life both as a visual object and a shamanic costume akin to a musical instrument, reacting to bodily movements. It may also be construed as a gigantic piece of jewellery, a body accessory requiring a wearer in order to become complete.
The dance work provides a kind of key to Kulju’s entire production. It is based, like dance often is, on the balancing of strength and fragility.”

Janna Syvänoja
"Salainen valtakunta" / "Secret empire" 2024